Oznaka "inspiration"

I plan to write new music in the desert

In Conversation with amazing women … Auriol Hays a singer & a musical storyteller from the motherland – South Africa  “ When we understand ourselves a bit better and embrace all of who we are, the good, bad and ugly


Nicole’s family unconventional and inspiring year

From the series “In Conversation with …” This is an interview with a special family, a family that has chosen to live an unconventional year, by travelling and exploring the world. In this interview, I connect with my own roots,


Succeed on your own accord, not through exploiting others

I had the privilege to meet Mr Ivo Boscarol a few years ago at the headquarters of Pipistrel in Ajdovscina, Slovenia. Seeing that he is known globally, he probably does not need a long introduction. Suffice to say that Mr


Renata Mrazova – be passionate and authentic

As we continue to battle the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is more important than ever that we do not return to ‘business as usual’. For this reason, the European SDG Summit 2020  focused on “Impactful Partnerships to Build


Looking for the city of the future? Swap smart for humane

I recently visited New York. I love the city because its modern architecture, the museums, the lively art scene and the constant hustle and bustle. However, nobody cannot close the eyes for traffic chaos in and around the city, pollution,


We truly feel that we are making a difference in the world

Executives recognize that coaching is necessary to meet the challenges of a complex and global economy. And individuals recognize that coaching positively impacts their life when goals and dreams are realized. Unfortunately, there are some persistent concerns within the coaching


The Domino Effect of the Crown

Are we ready for a new beginning? Are we ready to reconnect and rise again? Are we willing to be the change we want to see? I wanted to share with you some inspirational thoughts about various topics, but seeing


Domino učinek k(o)rone

Smo pripravljeni na nov začetek? Ali smo se pripravljeni ponovno povezati in znova vstati? Smo pripravljeni biti sprememba, ki jo želimo videti? Veliko je misli in pogledov na svet, ki sem jih želel deliti z vami: večinoma o navdihu, smislu


Connecting the dots

Posebni dan, ko naša urednica Natalie Cvikl Postružnik z najmlajšo hčero praznuje njen 12 rojstni dan, je pravi dan, da objavimo nekaj res inspirativnega, navdihujočega, izven okvirjev tako in drugače. “Izpod peresa osebe, ki me je s svojimi dejanji vedno
