At the end of the year … we should embrace the vision for what’s to come. On today’s National Holiday in Slovenia – Independance and Unity Day – we publish a story to enlighten us, to inspire and to motivate us … written by our coworker Tadej Peric and a wonderful, extraordinary woman Tracey Webster, handpicked by sir Richard Branson to lead his venture in South Africa. We, at Navdihni me/Inspire me, hope that the story will be the source of good deeds to come from all of us <3 Happy Holidays and a wonderful 2025!
The Impact of Ubuntu: —THE STARFISH STORY—
Tracey’s Journey to Transform Lives
Introduction by Tadej Peric: A woman on a Ubuntu Mission
Tracey Webster is a name that resonates with the word IMPACT. Her life is a reflection of Ubuntu, the African philosophy that reminds us of our shared humanity: “I am because we are.” This profound belief in interconnectedness forms the bedrock of her mission, a mission that has touched countless lives and elevated her as a beacon of hope, compassion, and transformative action.
For Tracey, making a difference is not just an act—it is a calling. Her mission is to be the voice for the voiceless, the bridge between those who have and those who have not, the ear that hears the cries of the heart, and the compassionate force that answers those cries with meaningful action. More than this, she is determined to amplify these stories on a global platform, ensuring that the needs and aspirations of the underserved are not just heard but acted upon.

Tracey Webster & Tadej Peric
Virgin Unite event, Johannesburg, SA
Co-ordinated and Co-hosted by Tracey and Tadej
Photo Credit: Tadej’s personal archive
Tracey’s impact is evident through the many organizations she has lead, starting with the work she spearheaded through the Starfish Greathearts Foundation, an organization that reflected her unwavering dedication to creating positive change in the lives of the most vulnerable.
What makes Tracey truly exceptional is her ability to embody Ubuntu. She listens with her heart, understanding the stories and humanity behind every challenge. Her work reflects a deep commitment to creating sustainable change, proving that the greatest impact comes not from fleeting gestures but from intentional, transformative action.
This story is about the power of one woman to inspire global change. It is about Tracey Webster’s journey of turning compassion into action and dreams into reality. It is a story of hope, courage, and above all, impact.
I first met Tracey several years ago when she was the CEO of the Branson Center of Entrepreneurship and Virgin Unite Africa, a nonprofit arm of the Virgin Goup. Tracey had met Sir Richard Branson when he became a donor of the Starfish Greathearts foundation, and he was so impressed by her work that he later approached her to lead his venture in South Africa. Since then, Tracey has held prominent leadership roles, including serving as the Executive Director of the African Leadership Institute, and she now leads as the CEO of the Oppenheimer Memorial Trust. Through it all, Tracey remains unwavering in her commitment to social causes, continuing to champion initiatives that empower individuals, foster education, and drive meaningful change in communities. Her journey is a testament to the power of purpose and the impact of dedicated leadership.
Rediscovering Humanity: Overcoming Isolation in a Digital World with the Spirit of Ubuntu

Ubuntu: I am because we are
By Tracey Webster
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) 726 000 people take their own lives annually and many more attempt too. From my perspective we live in world where we have become addicted to social media and young people perceive that the perfect lives that are portrayed on social media are the benchmark for how they are doing, this is a false reality, and youngsters are prone to cyber bullying and othering! We feel overwhelmed by the enormity of the challenges the world is experiencing from natural disasters to wars, extreme poverty and the list goes on. This overwhelm can lead us to thinking that the challenges are so huge “I can’t possibly make a difference.” Even Worse .. I’ll take my life because there is nothing worth living for’. And yet I believe we are wired to want our lives to have meaning, we want our lives to matter. In Africa we have a concept called Ubuntu which emphasizes the interconnectedness of humanity. The late Archbishop Desmond Tutu explains it as “my humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together. – I am because we are”.
Fostering Unity: A Journey of Gratitude and Redemption
In my mid 20’s as a young South African living in London between 1996 and 2000, I began to ponder this idea of Ubuntu, I grew up in Apartheid South Africa and benefited from a system that favored white South Africans and so how could I connect back to my homeland from a new perspective, how could I cross the divide that was entrenched between black and white and how could I live a life of significance and meaning, how could I not be outraged that my fellow citizens did not have access to basic services never mind opportunities to live into the fullness of who they were created to be. And so began a journey to orientate my heart towards serving those in need and the more I did this the more I learnt about what it means to be human, to experience true gratitude, to witness resilience, see hope in the darkest of places, beauty made from trash, and to be a part of redeeming the past injustices.

I dedicate my life to working for the most vulnerable in society. Photo Credit: Pexels
In the early 2000’s the HIV pandemic was sweeping through our country taking out mothers and fathers and leaving in its wake hundreds of thousands of orphan and vulnerable children. I knew I could not change the past, but I could play a role in defining the future by supporting orphaned and vulnerable children in South Africa. So, I quit my banking job in London and moved to South Africa. I immersed myself in visiting rural communities to experience first-hand what was going on with regards to the HIV pandemic, and a profound meeting changed my life. I was visiting an initiative in a rural village called Ingwavuma where and incredible doctor Anne Barnard was working with HIV patients. I went with her to visit a woman in her homestead that had only several weeks to live due to HIV and no anti-retroviral drugs being available at the time. This woman was sitting on the floor with an old wooden loom weaving a mat out of old crisp packets and sweet wrappers, while she was physically emaciated her eyes shone with warmth and creativity, she was weaving a mat for each of her children as a family heirloom, a memory of her that they could hold onto forever! I have never seen anything more magical in my life! This lady had nothing, yet she was weaving beauty from trash, these sparkling master pieces were created with love and immense purpose. I spent some time with her that day, and as I was leaving, she gifted me a mat and looked into my eyes with so much love and hope, that I knew I was not just accepting the mat, but I was committing to dedicating my life to working for the most vulnerable in society.
The Story of the Starfish

Photo Credit: Pexels
From there, I went on to co-found the Starfish Greathearts Foundation in South Africa, inspired by the modern-day parable that goes as follows:
One day, an old man was walking along a beach that was littered with thousands of starfish that had been washed ashore by the high tide. As he walked he came upon a young boy who was eagerly throwing the starfish back into the ocean, one by one.
Puzzled, the man looked at the boy and asked what he was doing. Without looking up from his task, the boy simply replied, “I’m saving these starfish, Sir”.
The old man chuckled aloud, “Son, there are thousands of starfish and only one of you. What difference can you make?”
The boy picked up a starfish, gently tossed it into the water and turning to the man, said,
“I made a difference to that one!”
And so, our organization set out to mobilize ordinary individuals across South Africa and the world to give of their time talent or resources to make a difference in the lives of orphaned and vulnerable children. We did this through driving campaigns such as “dinners of hope” which entailed asking people to host dinners in their homes with their guests making a donation as if they had gone to a restaurant, thousands of people across 17 counties participated in the campaign. Or the Greathearts campaign, where individuals ran the comrades ultra marathon, paddled the Duzi canoe marathon, or cycled the Argus cycle tour not for their personal best but to raise funds to support a child. The Thursday Club, Art Auctions and Media Salons were incredible movements that were started and run by volunteers deepening the movement and allowing individuals to articulate how they wanted to make a difference. This was the true essence of democratizing the orphaned and vulnerable child crisis.
Starfish Greathearts Foundation – The impact

Tracey Webster, Sir Richard Branson, Jean Oelwang Credit: Tracy’s personal archive
What was incredible is the hundreds of thousands of people that got involved in the Starfish mission, it had a way of unlocking a sense of purpose and responsibility in ordinary individuals, connecting people from a myriad of different backgrounds, united to support the most vulnerable children in South Africa. I have so much gratitude for the tribe of humans that came together to do their little bit to make a difference. By the time I left the organization 7 years later 22000 children were being supported with school fees, uninforms, stationery, food and after school care! So many corporates got involved be it the Coca-cola company by doing cause related marketing – they added our starfish logo to ever coke can for a month and raised the price of a coke by 1 cent which allowed ordinary individuals to make a difference by drinking a coke and the proceeds went to Starfish. Nando’s (Multinational Restaurant Chain) ran a campaign to “eat chicken for the children” and Pick “n Pay (SA Retailer) and Powerade teamed up to sponsor our Greatheart events where individuals participated in sporting events to raise funds. We worked so closely with corporates not just through their CSI, but how to put doing good at the heart of their business, from marketing budgets to mobilizing their work force to participate in charitable good. We live in a time in history where individuals and the private sector need to prioritize planet and people over profit and as Richard Branson always says “ Do good, have fun and the money will come”.
Festive Ubuntu: Embracing Connection, Compassion, and Presence
So, as we move into the festive season let’s show up with the spirit of ubuntu, reach out to those in need, even if it is just to offer a hug, an ear to listen or a heart to serve, let’s not get caught up in presents, but rather being present to those in need! Switch off the social media look up from your phones and connect with humans even if all you can offer a is smile it might just be the very thing a person needs, to be seen and acknowledged.
Wishing you all peace and rest this festive season and the realization that each of us really can make a difference in the world! The best part is that as you give you receive so much more in the process!
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Insights d.o.o. praznuje osem let 25.5.25
If you want to know more on how to align your life with your values and your mission, do reach out and contact us. is published by Insights d.o.o. Our magazine will celebrate its 8 birthday on May 25 2025.
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